
On what is saving my life right now

It's been awhile. I've been internally processing a lot of emotions, anxieties, goals, and dreams. I've written and re-written many posts, but am just not sure what to publish for now. At what point does sharing become over-sharing on the interwebs, in the name of encouragement?

So for now, I'm popping in to just share a few things that are saving my life right now. My wise and beautiful friend Allison wrote a post about this recently, inspired by the lovely Sarah Bessey. It sounds a little dramatic, but really it's just about what is keeping me going, big or small.

1. Speaking truth to myself. Like most women, I have a running internal track of thoughts and feelings that rarely pauses. And lately that track has gotten pretty gloomy and anxious. I'm learning to pause when my thoughts and emotions start spiraling downward, and to speak the simple truth. "My kids crave my attention and affection... My husband loves me... I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me... I am forgiven..."

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8

2. Seeing the beauty. Just enjoying the gifts God gives every day makes such a difference in my heart. Sunshine reflecting on skyscapers, the blue eyes of my children, a text from a friend, my husband stepping in so I can have a break... all show me God's overflowing grace.  

3. Listening to music. Music helps me to focus outward, and to process what is going on inward. Mumford & Sons, Chris Tomlin, Gungor, and JJ Heller all preach to my heart daily, and put me in a much better mood.

4. Checking in later so I can be checked-in now. I'm tired of letting social media control my time. I am in control of when to check in with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and I can choose to do so at a convenient time. I love connecting with my friends online... but not at the expense of disconnecting from my family and real life.

What's saving your life these days?

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