What a wonderful heart-preparation it has been to start documenting 1000 gifts just before Thanksgiving! God has already made me so much more aware of His goodness and love for me, and I am excited to see what He will do through the next 939 gifts. :) I'm praying that He will open your eyes to His overwhelming love for you this Thanksgiving!
27. Free Bruegger’s Bagels at work
28. Beautiful and unexpected snowstorm this morning. And a safe ride to work.
29. Reminders of how God’s arms are always open to me, even when my heart is closed to him (like when my arms are open to my son, and he wants nothing to do with me…)
30. My husband’s ability to fix things, to problem solve, to put things together (gifts I do not have!)
31. Watching my son’s excitement as he plays with my old train set
32. Emails from my 3 "sisters" brightening my workday
33. The promise and growth of new friendships
34. Reminders of God’s power and sovereignty in Isaiah 40 and 41
35. How my husband can always make me laugh, no matter how cranky I feel
36. Hot coffee and oatmeal on a cold morning
37. The ability to learn through trial & error (who would’ve ever thought I’d be updating my department’s website?)
38. Hearing my son tell stories about his friends at daycare
39. Microfleece sheets. Whoever invented them is a genius!
40. The honor of being a youth group mentor to “my” awesome 10th grade girls… first started leading their small group when they were in 6th grade!
41. Remembering Proverbs 15:1 when my anger begins to stir; saying soft words and giving thanks instead of speaking death and holding bitterness
42. A family that is excited to give Jesus birthday gifts this year… oh, it is so good to give when we have been given so much!
43. Christmas lights illuminating the darkness… a tiny little reminder of the Light of the World
44. Music that makes me cry for joy
45. The ability to nap during my commute
46. Breathing clearly through my nose again – thank you, Lord!
47. Wireless internet that worked, and a knowledgeable back-up for our presenter who was out unexpectedly
48. A night of youth group… a sense of family there… the joy of being back… deep questions and beautiful hearts
49. Time to eat and giggle and dream with my “sister”
50. Time to fellowship and learn with other mamas at EaganMoms
51. Learning something new about myself today – it’s okay to be a shy extrovert! And I’m actually an auditory learner!
52. Making a snowman with my son and neighbors
53. A spontaneous dinner with in-laws that I love
54. Practicing my lefse-making skills with my grandma; learning more about her life
55. My mom keeping my son entertained during lefse-making; staying to play with him so the hubs and I could have a date night
56. Not being on the icy roads on Saturday night
57. My God who is good, whose steadfast love endures forever
58. A husband who knows how to cheer me up and give grace when I’m cranky
59. All-family naptime on Sunday afternoon
60. The smell and taste of freshly baked bread
61. Reading a bedtime story with my cuddly, sweet-smelling son
Happy Thanksgiving! (This week and every moment...)

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