
A God who sees, a people who see, & being "in"

Bible college clouded my idealistic vision of Christian community. At a campus by the lake, surrounded by amazing brothers and sisters in Christ, I was left feeling "less than". I was struggling with my sinfulness like never before. With few friends other than my boyfriend (who attended a different school), I felt invisible.

Now, I blame myself for not joining in or inviting -- but then, in the middle of my shame and inadequacy, it seemed hopeless. It seemed too risky to open up. And being invisible in the midst of my brothers and sisters made my heart shrink and my chest hurt.

One of my deepest fears is to be unseen. It's this fear that nobody notices my everyday. Nobody sees my heart cries, my longings, my pain. Nobody sees the victories, the sweet joys. Maybe your heart hurts at those thoughts, too?

In this iPhone, Facebooking, Instagramming culture it's becoming our default to be an observer of our lives. It's becoming even easier to feel invisible. We have more opportunities than ever to "share" things with the world, and more opportunities to feel unseen.

But our God is a God who sees (Gen. 16:13). He, the creator of the galaxies, the one who has been and will be forever, sees us. And he longs for us to be in community with each other and with Him. Jesus prayed that we would "all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us."

Do you hear that? As we become one as followers of Jesus, we are allowed "in" to God. My mind can't even begin to understand what that means, but I know I want in.

My favorite example of that "oneness" lately is the (in)courager group I'm honored to be a part of. We're 60 or so women who lead groups of hundreds of other women, almost entirely online. We meet over common themes like working motherhood, marriage, singleness, social justice, writing, and art. But really, we meet over, and in, Jesus. God has used this group to help make my heart big again.

{Check out the video intro to the (in)couragers over here. Tune in next week for the full story.}

It's so hard to describe this "sisterhood" adequately, because it has come to mean so much to me. I get to be a part of the (in)courager group, where we pray, share, and build each other up in our ministries of encouragement. And I get to co-lead the working mom's group along with Anna, who has become a dear friend. Our group started out somewhat small and quiet, and has grown to 60 women who connect regularly. We share what God is teaching us through our calling, and the struggles we're facing. We pray often and ask for advice. We share pictures of our messes and of our Easter best. We see each other -- even if it's not in the physical sense.

I love how the internet is being used to grow community. And as I see the beauty of community online, I'm reminded of how joyful it can also be off-line. I'm reminded to do the inviting, even when it means cleaning my toddler's "leftovers" off the kitchen floor. I'm learning to see the people around me and engage with them. Even though inviting and seeing means risking rejection, it is a small risk when you consider the rewards. Our God is so good to let us "in" when we simply open up to what He is doing.
Speaking of inviting in-real-life... have you heard about the inRL conference? I'd love to meet you at the Twin Cities event in just a couple of weeks!

What is God teaching you through community?

{I'm linking up today with (in)courage to share what God is teaching me through community -- come on over and join the party!}


  1. Great post Amanda!! I love this community that I have found here online as well!

    1. Thank you, Kristin! It's been a gift get to know you in the working mom's group. Hopefully we can meet up in real life one of these days, too!

  2. Oh how I get this...and AMEN--He sees me...

    (and now I'm curious if we were both at NWC!)

    I'm looking forward to meeting you this year at (in)RL!

    1. Yes! I was there '05-'07. Small world. :) I'm excited to meet you too, Nikki!

  3. Finding community is wonderful - and hard! Definitely requires perseverance (I usually have to put on my big girl panties and say "They're going to like me whether they want to or not!"). Having that community "in real life" is important too, even though it's hard (!). We are always here for you too. :) {~ariel}

    1. Thank you so much, Ariel! I do want to spend more time with you and the other ladies from EHC. I have plenty of excuses for not getting together in real life, but none of them are very good. :) Time for some "big girl panties"!

  4. Having now met you inrl, this is even more precious. God is the God who sees--this is a lesson I am learning right now!

    1. Thank you, Alyssa! He is so good to see what we need & give us sisters to walk alongside. I'm so glad we met inRL & hoping we can get together again!


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