Clinging to Him and praising Him for these gifts that just keep coming...
91. Dinner and girl talk with my sweet sisters
92. The easy way we move around the kitchen together, like a choreographed dance with no song but our words and laughter and clanging dishes and pans
93. Sanity and grace after failing to get my son to nap (and trying for waaay too long!).
94. My husband being there to save the day… literally!
95. Taking in the beauty and creativity of God's creation
96. A warm, cozy home
97. Watching my son and husband watch football, and J cheering “Go Tawaris Jackson!” J
98. Making cookies with the youth group ladies
99. Hearing about all God is doing in our youth group at leader training
100. My first tea party… beautiful snow, decorations, music, conversation, and message
101. A safe drive in the snowstorm
102. True, lasting joy despite a rough week at work
103. Cuddling on the couch with the hubs, watching HGTV
104. Dusting off the cello, helping my son pluck the strings and move the bow
105. Still being able to play and read music after a 2-year haitus! :) (And a cello that still works and is practically in tune after a 2-year hibernation!)
106. Laughing at silly email drama at work
107. Listening to Christmas music
108. Accidentally sleeping in on the weekend due to a faulty alarm
109. Grace, mercy, forgiveness... knowing God's at work in this life despite who I was... 110. My son saying "thank you for making dinner, mommy" without prompting! Brought tears to my eyes!
111. A job I can leave at the office
112. Reminders that He's enough, He's every gift I'll ever need
113. Jehovah Jireh's faithfulness to provide throughout all generations... knowing He's providing still
114. A husband who snowblows the driveway and starts up my car in the frigid cold
115. Little hands stroking my hair as I pray over them; making my hair into a tent and laughing

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