What goals, you ask? Good question. Some of the ones I'm thinking about for 2011 (aside from moving from fear to faith, and finishing my 1000 gift list) are:
- Starting a workable plan for Bible verse memory
- Starting up again with daily prayer and Bible reading
- Being more intentional about hospitality and getting together with friends and family
- Supporting the hubs in our weekly family devotions
- Drinking at least three glasses of water a day (in addition to the liquids I would normally drink)
- Cutting out pop. I don't really enjoy it much anymore... all that sugar hurts my teeth! Oh, and sugar is bad. :)
- Being a more flexible, joyful, soft-spoken mama and wife
I know... they're not all very specific or measurable or whatever... but it's a start at least!
Praising my Savior for grace and breath and...
209. 6:30 AM playtime with J
210. Being able to breathe through my nose again!
211. Early bedtimes
212. A short, productive work week
213. An unplanned lunch with my mom
214. Listening to piano music while I work
215. Inner peace in the midst of chaos
216. Love that casts out fear of the unknown
217. A "warm" sunny day - 33 degrees!
218. Laughing with my co-workers
219. God's blessings on Rivendell Sanctuary
220. Getting good deals at Costco :)
221. Singing "Deep and Wide" with my boys
222. Reciting "Pajama Time" from memory and having J fill in the words
223. The ability to love sacrificially... because of the great Love I've been given
224. Staying in my pajamas for hours
225. Safe driving on slippery roads
226. Celebrating the New Year with wonderful friends
227. Yummy homemade waffles on New Years Day
228. My hubs getting an extra day off with us
229. Daily, hourly moments where God calms my fears
230. A warm, sunny walk in the skyways of Mpls
231. A successful implementation at work - seeing the fruit of our labor!
232. Hearing J say "adios" ~ more like "adidos" :)
233. Patience and peace to cope with J's outbursts and disobedience (oh, the 2's are in full force!)
234. My sweet, patient husband

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